The aim of this course is to teach executive leaders the principles and practice of coaching. To do this, you will need the following foundational knowledge:
- What good coaching looks like and how it looks different from other helping professions, the difference between a coach leader and coach
- The process of individual coaching sessions
- The whole coach approach
- The core competencies and skills that are required
- How the coaching procession evolved from proven theories including neuroscience
- How coaching helps the brain change; how it relates to values/beliefs
- Understand what drives human behavior and how to shift it forward
To do this we will teach you the science, skills, and practice of coaching in a safe environment.
The course is divided into 4 units.
In this unit you will learn what coaching is and what it is not, code of conduct and ethics of coaching, the science of coaching and how to prepare for a coaching conversation. Coaching differs to other helping professions and shouldn’t be confused with them. Like other helping professions there are rules around how the coach behaves during a coaching conversation.
The brain is our most complicated organ of which we have limited understanding. Knowing how the brain works and how we make decisions helps coaches unravel what is really behind our employees’ choices and behaviours. You will learn about what gets in the way of change and what coaches do to eliminate obstacles and facilitate change.
In this unit you we will teach you the skills of coaching, the process and what drives human behaviour. In this lab style unit, you will practice what we teach in a safe space. You will learn how to develop a coaching mindset, develop advanced listenin skills and learn the art of asking great questions.
The Coaching Process is divided into three major parts. You will learn how to start a coaching conversation; develop a goal; explore the options; and create an action plan with your client.
In our final half day unit, we will teach you the role leaders hold, how leadership coaching best serves employees and when you can’t be a coach. You will learn about situational leadership and the big 4 of performance issues.
Our classes are interactive, and you will be expected to participate in discussions, share your opinions and experiences and practice the skills that you are learning. You will move from a place of discomfort, unfamiliarity and sometimes uncertainty into a place where coaching becomes second nature in your leadership approach all whilst receiving support from our facilitators.
Classes are limited to 12 participants. This enables us to work closely with you throughout the course and help you get the support you need. We are entirely focused on student experience and learning and will work with you on a 1:1 basis to help you reach your goal.
Price $995 plus GST CDN per person
Flexible payment plans are available. Please contact us to discuss your options.
Disclaimer Course content may change as new data becomes available.
Course content and all materials copyright to Think Agile Leadership Training Academy

Nicole Beauregard
MSc, MCC, CMCShe has both public and private sector experience including healthcare, technology, and engineering, serving clients across North America.